DOI Number:

Author: Aygün Şen ve M. Elif Demoğlu

Index: 37

Year: 2023 Summer

The Victorian era (1837-1901) has been portrayed in many films and was an essential stage in the magnificent structure of costume dramas. Historical films bring the historical events and characteristics of the period to the screen and bring the mentality and way of thinking of the past to the present. This study aims to make a comparative analysis of Jane Campion's 1993 film The Piano, set in the Queen Victorian era, and how it views and depicts women in this period. This study analyzes The Piano at the intersection of the two main fields by examining it within the framework of gender through historical analysis. The Piano has been frequently discussed in film studies, especially in the axis of feminist film theory and gender studies. It was found that Piano is a film that both paves the way for questioning the gender structure of women today and deals with the view of women of a historical period in a way that overlaps with the period, in terms of realistically reflecting the gender hierarchy of the time and the position of women in society on the screen.

Keywords: Victorian era, gender, historical analysis, The Piano

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